Can I have a new dog? pleaseeeee

after seeing this vid, all my christmas wishes is gone to one, can I have a dog like this cute??

Christmas wish lists...

Yeah, I gotta have my own too! wait, ill just update my lists..

it's kinda long. so

School's over, Hello to Christmas vacation!

I just had my last exam for prelim last Saturday, and that's the ever boring Sociology-Anthropology, actually it would be interesting if the mode of teaching our prof's using is English, I could hardly understand old Tagalog! yeah,we all speak tagalog.. but I get a hard time to understand the book we're using,.. but what could be harder if your teacher is gay and is just talking nonsense?? Anyway, I think we dont have any class on Monday anymore, and classes will resume on 3rd of January..

Did I say Christmas vacation??it should be Christmas expenses!! I have like 20+ goddaughters and sons to give gifts with, and I cant recall their names anymore. One thing im sure though, they'll hunt me on the 25th! that's why im planning on going to my grandmother's house in Quezon City and spend the day there, and go back on 26th.. what a tightwad huh? hehehe as much as I want to give them something, well, i cant, being a student doesnt help!, though I have bought some for 4 kids I remembered when I once went a little shopping in Glorrieta. I have wrapped them up already actually, yeah im excited! I already sent some presents to special people too, I just hope it will get there before the 25th..

Merry Christmas!

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