I just thought of showing you this, we already chose the date! and it's on January 27th.. I AM SO EXCITED!!!
counting down the days!!
100% ready now
Ok, I just finished packing all my things, put it all in two boxes which Dave has to mail when he gets here this Wednesday. Yeah, he's flying with me. What's left for me to do is wash some shirts I wanted to bring and put it in my luggage bag and wrapped those bags I just got from my aunt today. I got 2 freshly-made native bags, and those are for my soon mother-in-law and sister-in-law *wink*.. I can't believe this is all happening, at once, it was just a wish, wish that Dave and I will be together and not away from each other anymore.. Then it is all here right in front of me, and it's overwhelming. I just can't contain my happiness, too happy and excited here.. mixed with being a little scared and nervous, to add, a little sad because i'm leaving all back here, my family, friends,everything.. Well, this is what you do if you're inlove right?
Anyway, I have to get ready for school now. We will be having our achievement tests today, wish me luck, I just scanned my notes last night.. lol
40 secrets about yourself
ok, this survey thing got me again, it's just fun doing this, try it! haha
40things: 40 Secrets About Yourself.
Be honest no matter what.
[One] Who was your last text from?
from Dave, saying he's going to log out now(ym), and him and his friend Travis are going to play games when he gets home, and he'll ym me then..
[Two] Where was your default picture taken?
in blogger? i took it from an internet cafe's webcam.
[Three] What's your middle name?
[Four] Your current relationship status?
Married, and getting marrry again! hehe
[Five] Does your crush like you back?
[Six] What is your current mood?
[Seven] What's your moms name?
Regina Ortinero
[Eight] What color shirt are you wearing?
my EK shirt and brown skirt
[Nine] Ever been in love?
[Ten] If you could go back in time and change something, would you?
yes, I should have killed someone..lol
[Eleven] Have a crazy side?
oh yeah
[Twelve] Ever had a near death experience?
I was a sick baby, mom said.
[Thirteen] Something you do a lot?
talk to Dave
[Fourteen] Angry at anyone?
my bitch cousin
[Fifteen] Who can you tell anything to?
[Sixteen] Name someone with the same birthday as you?
I don't know anyone
[Seventeen] When was the last time you cried?
3days ago, missing Dave so much
[Eighteen] Who would you do anything for?
[Nineteen] If you could have one super power what would it be?
foresee future
[Twenty] What's the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex?
[Twenty-one] What do you usually order from starbucks?
frappucino with lotsa cream
[Twenty-two] What's your biggest secret?
Dave knew that.
[Twenty-three] Favorite color?
Pink and white
[Twenty-four] Favorite TV show?
Grey's anatomy,
[Twenty-five] Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
yeah, Dora the explorer and barbie movies.. haha, watching it with my little sis
[Twenty-six] What are you eating or drinking at the moment?
[Twenty-seven] Do you speak any other language?
a little of Bicol dialect
[Twenty-eight] What's your favorite smell?
Tommy H's perfume and after bath smell..hmm yum yum
[Twenty-nine] Describe your life in one word, what would it be?
[Thirty] Have you ever kissed in the rain?
oh not yet..
[Thirty-one] Ever kissed on the beach?
[Thirty-two] What are you thinking about right now?
What im going to cook for tomorrow's fiesta
[Thirty-three] What should you be doing?
cleaning my room
[Thirty-four] Who was the last person that made you upset/angry?
[Thirty-five] What are you listening to?
tv's MTV
[Thirty-six] Do you like working in the yard?
[Thirty-seven] If you could have any last name in the world, what would it be?
Dave's last name
[Thirty-eight] Do you act differently around the person you like?
im the same person
[Thirty-nine] What is your natural hair color?
[Forty] Who was the last person to make you cry?
bitch cousin and people who took her side
me baking goodies
It's been 10days since I started attending this Cooking-but-more-on-Baking-class, a vocational course I enrolled myself in on the last minute. This is my way to while away the time until I fly with Dave to US, besides I really want to learn new stuff about food making. Anyway, Mrs.Angela, our trainer, grouped us into 4, I got the #3 group. My groupmates are all nice and easy to get along with. We're from different age groups as you can see but we all get along well. This class will run until the end of October, we even have graduation rites, not to mention an upcoming Acquaintance party.. It feels like highschool, it's fun! :)
Power of Your Love
Lord I come to You
Let my heart be changed, renewed
Flowing from the grace
That I found in You.
And Lord I've come to know
The weaknesses I see in me
Will be stripped away
By the power of Your love.
Hold me close
Let Your love surround me
Bring me near
Draw me near to Your side.
And as I wait
I'll rise up like the eagle
And I will soar with You
Your Spirit leads me on
In the power of Your love.
Lord unveil my eyes
Let me see You face to face
The knowledge of Your love
As You live in me.
Lord renew my mind
As Your will unfolds in my life
In living every day
by the power of Your love.
im listening to that song as of now. I just lovvvveee Hillsong (Australia) so much. Their songs really touches your right. I remember my SFC (Singles for Christ)days. That's one thing im really missing right now. My friends back then and that amazing worship sessions in every gathering or conferences I have attended, also that every single household meetings I religiously attend. Those were the days, but I know in my heart, SFC will always be in my heart. SFC have played a very important role in my life,as to renewing my faith with God and my relationship to Him. I accepted him as my Savior, made him my all-time bestfriend. He used SFC to heal all the wounds past had brought me. He thought me of forgiveness, and appreciation to little things I used to ignore. With SFC, I learnt to move on and trust people again. Simply it made me a whole new person again, this page isnt enough to name it all, it is just a lot! And my relationship with God put me where I am right now. And Im very thankful that God lead me to the right path,im a spoiled kid to Him you know, i am well-loved.
Hillsong, this is the reason why I love music--like I want to play a guitar or drums

Politics: my dream team at Senate
...Our country needs an honest serviceman who loves Filipinos by heart...
I just watched the news, and one of my best bet for the Senate was proclaimed this afternoon, Mr. Antonio Trillanes IV, though partially because the canvassing isnt over yet for the 12th spot, and that is where Pimentel and Zubiri are battling over for. The Philippines needs 12 senators this year, and out of 12, my 10 bets got in. I felt like I became a part of an historical event of my country when I cast my vote last May 14. Filipinos cry for a major change in the government and they thought that this last election is their fair chance to voice it out. I agree. People became more mature now with choosing a candidate,they dont get easily swayed with frequent campaign tv ads or promises heard from candidates running, not even vote-buying, which is rampant on some provinces. I should know, some of my relatives are from politics too, coming from them--"money really talks"!.. That's one reality, but it doesnt apply to all. I knew one senate candidate who lost millions to fund his his tv ads but lost a spot on the magic 12, not even close!, i guess you know who am i referring to. People have to know you, and your intentions "by heart"-- that's what they should have given more importance during campaigning. Anyway, my dream team's is in, so rock on Senate, here they come!

By next week(probably) will be the official proclamation of the 12 senators. May God use this people we voted for this positions,to help our country improve furthermore the system of governance, by passing the right laws that would benefit all Filipinos. Not only them, but all candidate officials who also won this year's election.
I'm bored today, yeah like always. So I wound up washing clothes, and thought of giving my baby bears a bath hihihi ^_^ their daddy's coming home soon! My dearest hubby's coming home for my visa interview, for those who dont know he filed a petition for me to go to US with him. That's the only way we could be together and not apart anymore, and soon he'll quit his job in Iraq (oh finally!) I don't like him there, though his current job is great. He holds a nice position, and not to mention, the big pay! He has the potential of getting a supervisory position in time actually but I dont think he can stay there longer(plus, i wont let him). Like he said, it's like hell being there. So, just happy here that soon we will be together soon.. target time:by November 2007. But first I have to get the visa, and the only way to do that--is pass the interview!!! (that's next month!)
So please pray for me people!! missing him so much is killing me arggggghhh
I miss blogger..
FI thought I wont be back on blogger again, been busy with a lot of things, and Im taking care of my new baby--a new website, for me & Dave on multiply. Since I got my internet back up last month(oh,Thank God!) and my laptop fixed, been real busy with researches on visa and stuff and talking to my honey given the time.. And just yesterday, I remembered why not update my blogger, so I changed the theme, and the sidebox, well im not totally done yet since the page still looks messed up! lol.. Anyway, a lot of things happened since the last time I posted;
1. My bestfriend Anthony? which I paired up with a close girl friend Cris, well they're together now. Got married and Cris got pregnant, but unfortunately she can't have a baby yet, she lost the baby(it's a boy). It was sad though, we already had plans for the baby. But it's ok. Im still happy for this two, I know they will last long.
2. Honey came over for a 3 weeks vacation again last March and we had a blast! We had fun!And that trip was the most expensive R&R he had, why?coz he spent a lot, cross the budget and all. We went to Palawan, Arena Island, and the best part is we rode on a ferry on our way back, both our first time, so we had fun, though it upsets my tummy and been dizzy with the whole trip.. It was fun!
3. Honey got promoted to foreman!! yehey!! I was so proud of him, that's my baby haha..on that note, Im giving him something, this is like an overdue congrats gift for that. I just hope he doesnt get to read this, for it will spoil the surprise.. I'll post pics once he opened the box..hope he would like it.
4. The best thing ever happened? is when we celebrate March 27, it's our 2nd year anniversary. wow, I love you bubba!! Guess how we celebrate it? we sleep all day!! yeah,seriously! the night before that, we checked in at Heritage so we wont miss the flight of 8:30am, it says we should be there 2 hours early. We spent that night at Mall of Asia. And on our way home, i only remembered that I forgot our plane & ferry tickets back home. I bet he can't forget that. too much excitement here, sorry.. :)
that's it for now.. more bukas!
how about Photography?
oh, my bes Anthony, just got here in Phils all the way from Spain,hmm yummy chocolates later! well im happy for him and my other friend Precious whom I just paired yesterday, they've been talking and texting nonstop of gettin-to-know stage blah blah.. We three will have a dinner mamaya, all Thony's treat!! yeeeheee
hmm, he's no longer a cheap-o i just noticed..
ill post pics later, ciao!
Pic:that's him, well he doesnt like pictures..
sad ako ngayon
nakaramdam na naman ng pagseselos... nakita ko litrato ng ex nya, well kasalanan ko, hinanap ko sa myspace eh..eto pa, napanaginipan ko pa ang girl kanina, hmp! bad dream.. baka pagod lang siguro ako, makatulog na nga!
literally sick
Ok, im under medication due to this acid thing, that concerns my heart. Im taking this Prevacid every night before I go to sleep. And 3days ago, with being lucky, I got food poisoned, just imagine i get stomach contractions that made me throw up everything I ate, not only that, I frequent bathrooms for call of nature!lol So I went to see a doctor again, and gave me meds again.. Im tired of taking meds!!
one more, I dont like spaghetti anymore
what's New Year on me..
what's new on me?1. I just had a new hair cut, like the lastest hair trend now, you gotta wear "bangs"..and so I did, I had my hair layered. My hairdresser felt proud of his/herself (bading)with the outcome, she calls it "Lucy-Torres" hairlike..lol
2. Im now weighing a whooping 125 lbs... oh my, it was just 120 of December 2006!! hmm, blame the holidays, tempting chicha is everywhere!
3. Im on my midterm now, yeah, I passed all the subjects on my prelim, I just wonder, i didnt got my grade in Anatomy & Physiology, the subject which I find interesting, but a little hard, that's one thing that adds up to my worries.
4. My honey filed for a petition for me get to US, and the happy news as of now is the check for the fee is already cashed, meaning they already acknowledged the paper they're already working on it.
5. My heart..again! I went to see a cardiologist last week and have my heart checked if there's something wrong on it, because one time I had the worst chest pain in my life, to add to those moments i get heartburns. Im scheduled for a 2D Echo ultrasound this week, but my school schedule doesnt permit me to.. For now, im under medication. Initial findings, it's the acid from my stomach causes my chest pain. Thank God, it's just that, though it's still bad. I just can't afford to live with a weak heart..
Pray for me ok..
6. I just watched Pyro last week, it was awesome!! congrats to UK to bagged the first prize
7. Im turning 27 this 18th!! wooohoooo!!
8.... to follow
1. On top of my lists. LOSE WEIGHT!! sheeze, I miss maintaining that 97lbs for years, and now I weigh 30lbs bigger..sure, maybe it comes with age, but weighing 125 of me bein 26 and stands 5feet, that's a lot, im like the cutest obese living woman on earth!! hehehe
2. Finish this school semester with flying colors! honga, sounds like highschoolish huh? well, I just want A+ grades, that's all.
3. Get a driver's license!! mind you, i've been driving for 3 years now w/o it.. mine expired last 2004. But im happy been driving all this years, and never got a ticket hehehehe.. advice: use your charms.. lol
4. Cooking lessons, Guitar lessons, a refresher course for programming and pc troubleshooting, Massage-therapy short course, do we have it here??and IELTS.. I want all those
5. Make book-reading a habit..
6... and more to come..